Not only did I see some amazing looking rocks on this trip. I also saw some beautiful plants, bugs, and animals.

I am going to attempt to label them with their common name. I’m relying on my trusty field guide but sometimes it’s hard to match with just a photograph from a book. Also there are some I do not know so if any of you are good with recognizing plants and animals of this area, please contribute.

Wild Hyacinth

Wild Hyacinth

Fairy Trumpet Plant

Fairy Trumpet Plant


Blue Columbine

White Columbine

White Columbine

Cutleaf Daisy

Cutleaf Daisy



Purple Lupin-these are in my grandfather’s garden.

Purple Lupine

Hybrid Lupine-also in my grandfather’s garden.

Hybrid Pink Lupine

Yellow Violet-in the mountains around Crested Butte, CO.

Yellow Violet

Umbrella Desert Buckwheat

Umbrella Desert Buckwheat

Prince’s Plum-and indicator species of uranium.

Prince's Plume

Evening Primrose-photo taken at the megatracks site in Utah.

Evening Primrose

Showy Rushpink

Showy Rushpink

Pretty Buckwheat

Pretty Buckwheat

Pallid milkweed

Pallid milkweed

I also don’t know what this one is.



Bee on a Thistle

Bee on a Thistle

Small-leaf Globemallow

Small-leaf Globemallow

Not sure what this plant is.


Black Eyed Susan Flower

Basin Blanketflower

Yellow Prickly Pear Catcus

Yellow Prickly Pear Cactus

Pink Prickly Pear Cactus

Pink Prickly Pear Cactus

Not sure what this one is or if it’s a native species. It was in my grandfather’s neighbor’s garden.


Red Poppy

Red Poppy

Some type of grass

Unknown Grass

Aspen Tree Grove-This was taken along Ohio Pass close to Gunnison, CO. The cool thing about aspen trees is they grow in clonal colonies that start from just one seedling. They multiply but shooting out roots and a new tree emerges from the parent tree.

It’s much more fun to take the road less traveled.


Aspen Grove


I think this is a Nevada Onion but I’m not entirely sure.

Nevada Onion

Cursed Buttercup Flower

Cursed Buttercup Flower

Spotted Saxifrage Plant

Spotted Saxifrage Plant


Common Mouse Ear Flowers

Common Mouse Ear Flowers

Avalanche Lily Flowers

Avalanche Lily Flowers

Not sure what this one is but I took it around Irwin Lake near Crested Butte, CO.


Little Sunflower

Little SunflowerMountain side of widlflowers


There is an eagle’s nest in the upper-middle of the picture.

Eagle's Nest



